Sunday, October 11, 2015

Our current State of Law Enforcement

This may come as a shock to a lot of my fellow conservatives.... (and thats okay, I piss off people on the right (hopefully) as much as I piss off people on the left.) That being said:
I do not side (automatically) with law enforcement (just because they are law enforcement.)
Why you may ask?

For the same reason I don't automatically trust government. (the people that run government (and law enforcement) are corruptible people.... This is to say they CAN be corrupt. (Only Jesus was perfect.)

It is easy to demonize the police. It is equally easy to demonize the general public and label them (thugs, criminals, etc). We have in this country the presumption of innocence. Unfortunately, many people (and many cops) have forgotten this. This is not only important when it comes to those (thugs, criminals, etc).... it is the PRINCIPLE of the matter. It is important when dealing with thugs, criminals, etc BECAUSE it is important when it comes to the single mother who is assaulted in her own home, stripped naked and handcuffed in front of her own daughter.... yet NOT told why she was being arrested (when in fact the cops entered her house WITHOUT a warrant or probable cause (she had just gotten out of the shower.)

It is important that Freddie Grey retain the presumption of innocence, BECAUSE it is equally important for Cindy Hahn a mother who asked a cop a question, called to complain about the officer, the SAME officer minutes later pulled her over and harassed her, leading to her detainment.

We as a society must get back to principles. If it is wrong to do X when its one person... it should be wrong to do X when it's a different person.

Sadly, when it comes to issues like the Rule of Law, (most) cops are woefully ignorant of the law themselves. This has become apparent when the issue of recording/video taping police comes up.

Cops (like normal people) usually do not like being challenged on the issue of their supposed authority. But as pressing as this video shows the abuse of probable cause to be, take a look at how these cops (in Northern Florida) are dressed, and the vehicle they are patrolling the streets in.

 The truly sad part? We cannot even have the CONVERSATION about how some people should not be cops..... Check out this video, a man, in his own driveway, holding a camera, when a cop stops, and TERRORIZES this man for videotaping him. Ask yourself, should ANYONE step out of a vehicle and pull out their sidearm in this manner? What this cop did was an act of terrorism. (I do not throw that word out lightly.) Put yourself in this homeowners shoes....

What happens when you can be arrested for resisting arrest?
What happens when cops have no fear of openly killing a citizen?
How many cops does it take to shoot a man confined to a wheelchair who DIDN'T have a gun?
What recourse do you have, when cops can illegally search your property, without a warrant, and in doing so, shoot and kill, your family dog?

If we cannot be real, and identify that our CURRENT law enforcement is GROSSLY abusive of their authority, and ILL equipped and POORLY trained.... what hope do we have?

As Andrew Napolitano has been quoted, "It is dangerous to be right, when the government is wrong"...

Some of you might say, these are isolated incidents..... that I cherry pick the bad examples.
I do. I admit it. I cherry pick the bad examples JUST LIKE some will cherry pick examples of GOOD cops. Go take a look at other examples of bad cops.... and tell me if it as isolated as you claim... 

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