Friday, May 6, 2016

Dear Libertarians:

Dear ‪#‎Libertarians‬:

‪#‎Libertarianism‬ has a real opportunity right now. And it should not be taken lightly. With Ted Cruz dropping out of the presidential race, more and more people feel disenfranchised by the GOP and the corrupt 2 party system that has for too long held power in close to complete control. Many people have turned to looking into libertarianism as a way to voice opposition to the nonchoice of Hillary ‪#‎Clinton‬ or Donald ‪#‎Trump‬. ‪#‎Google‬ has stated searches for “‪#‎libertarian‬” have doubled since the Ted Cruz suspension. This offers a unique opportunity to those that want to truly grow the libertarian party and make it a viable alternative.

But there is also an inherent danger in this opportunity as well. Anytime someone who is trying to learn more about liberty, more about libertarian policy comes here to ask questions, gain knowledge, what ends up happening is that inevitably someone comes to the conclusion that since the person asking questions is not lining up with 100% of what libertarians believe (at least in the minds of those individuals) the one asking questions is labelled a STATIST, or a neocon. Libertarians… you are your own worst enemy.

“Directional Libertarians”: Those of you/us that want liberty… and will take whatever ground we can get so long as it advances that cause. I would group people like Michael Munger, Matt Kibbe, Andrew Napolitano, Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and others into this group. No bill is perfect, but so long as it moves us in the right direction (that being liberty) we can sign onto it… and then keep fighting for the ground yet to be won.

“Destination Libertarians”: Those of you that want liberty, and it’s an all or nothing deal. Everything is a poison pill to destination libertarians. As soon as someone voices any objection or question, or comment that doesn’t line up with your view of what liberty is…. You label that person and demonize them…. You squelch any kind of rational debate that could lead to big gains for the progress of liberty.

Please thoughtfully consider what the future COULD hold for libertarians if the opportunity to grow the party is not ruined by SHOOTING the people that come to learn more about it…..

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